The human variable
Exploring a major, yet incalculable factor in our financial outcomes: being human.
I’m glad you’re here. Before you dive in, check out my first post to learn a bit about me, and and why I write this blog.
Know your redline
Your children started out life in a position of need…they were entirely dependent on you for their survival. As parents, we are hard-wired to love, nurture, comfort and protect them.
When our children transition to young adults, this 'wiring' isn't automatically removed or replaced with feelings of cold indifference. We continue to care, worry and carry the weight of an uncertain future for them. This weight is piled onto the uncertainty that we face in our own life journey; including our retirement plans and financial health. In my role as a family wealth advisor, I see this protective sentiment play out in the financial decisions of parents who are naturally conflicted between their own financial needs, and those of their children.
Just one more!
Many of us can remember the days of carefree adventures with friends in the neighborhood where time floated by blissfully until those dreaded words from a parent - "time to come in!"
The human variable
I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey, exploring the intriguing world of behavioral finance. After 30 years as both a management consultant and family wealth advisor, I've seen the impact of human behaviour on personal, business and financial performance. Here, we will explore those behaviours and how they can either help or hurt our life experience.