dwayne solo

Dwayne Rettinger


With a professional career spanning over 30 years, 25 of which have been in a consulting or advisory capacity, I have witnessed the growth journeys of hundreds of families and businesses. While each of these examples are unique and the goals pursued different, there are common traits amongst those who truly excel. In addition to being intentional about what they are pursuing, they are never afraid to seek out advice and lean on accountability partners in implementing their plans.

This is the role that I have worked to develop and refine over the decades, and one in which I continue to evolve. I view my primary role as CLO – Chief Listening Officer. As a family advisor, and leader to a team of family advisors, I prioritize listening and truly understanding goals, concerns, fears, ambitions, values and priorities. Using this as the foundation, I then work with families in simplifying seemingly complex challenges down to their essential elements and focusing the required tools and resources to make tangible progress.

Never content to rest on my current inventory of knowledge or skills, I’m always ‘in training’.  Whether its accumulating additional professional credentials, or improving my skills as a licensed pilot, I seek out and enjoy complexity.

Happily married for 30 years, I have enjoyed and embraced a chaotic family life raising 3 active kids. I now enjoy a somewhat more peaceful chapter of life with leisure time spent hiking and kayaking at the cottage.